The cost of holding, storing, and reordering rotable components and expendable materials ties up resources that your company could use to strengthen its core business activities. WGE Group offers integrated materials management and component exchange and overhaul programs that can be tailored to your business strategy.
Sharing the riskThe integrated Materials Management program transitions responsibility for ordering, distributing, and forecasting use of expendable parts and materials to WGE Group.
We use actual usage data and trend analysis to ensure that you have the materials you need, while reducing storage requirements and materials waste.
Efficient overhaul and repairOperators can minimize their investment in rotable inventory and component maintenance costs. Our rotable services programs provide high-value dispatch-critical parts. The Gearbox Overhaul and exchange program is your single source for your gearbox requirements.
With all of our rotables and expendables services, you are free to focus on what you do best-keeping your plants online and earning revenue.
From timely transactions to supply chain management, WGE Group Materials Optimization provides you with the right part, at the right place, at the right time.