"Respect for Human Rights is the foundation of inclusive growth of societies and local areas and, consequently, of the companies that work within them."
In the execution of its activities, WGE is committed to upholding internationally recognised human rights and to promoting this commitment in business activities carried out with partners or entrusted to contractors and subcontractors.
WGE Group contributes to the creation of the socioeconomic conditions required for the effective enjoyment of fundamental rights and promotes the professional growth and well-being of its own local human resources.
WGE Group, in collaboration with its clients, takes Human Rights issues into account from the moment the feasibility of new projects is assessed. It does this in order to prevent detrimental behaviour and to detect areas that may require measures which can contribute to the improvement of local stakeholder access to fundamental rights.
In cases of potential divergence between local and international rights, WGE Group strives to develop alternative solutions based on international standards, while at the same time taking local principles into account.
In compliance with laws, regulations and international standards currently in force, WGE Group adopts procedures that ensure the health and safety of people and company assets, and does so by engendering an environment of mutual respect between the company, workers and local communities.
WGE Group respects the rights of indigenous peoples, with particular reference to their cultures, lifestyles, institutions, bonds with their homeland and models of development.
A distinctive element of the WGE world is the company’s commitment to respect the diversity of people, which is considered both a basic value and a heritage for the present and the future of the company.