
WGE Group values the safety and well being of its employees, contractors and communities where its projects are carried out.


WGE Group has a strong belief that there is no conflict in running safe and, at the same time, efficient operations, in a working environment where the people health and safety is not jeopardised.

To achieve its aim WGE Group always considers the human being as the core of its business and protect him with a robust HSE management system. Experience, competency and training are fundamental elements of WGE Group's world to ensure control of the activities and lessons learnt capitalisation and know-how retention.

The safety culture is considered the key to achieve the expected target: an important tool used to spread the right safety culture in WGE Group is the Leadership in Safety program.

WGE Group's strength is a thorough preparation based on comprehensive risk analysis and constant research of new technologies to eliminate the existing inherent hazards posed by the challenges of its continuously changing operations and the extreme environment in which the Company is more and more often called to operate.

WGE Group believes that only by keeping its equipment efficient and reliable and by guaranteeing the highest ergonomic standards in all working situations it can achieve full success in all projects. Transparent communication is driven across all levels of the organisation and no blaming culture is WGE Group fundamental principle. WGE Group Management ensures that everyone can speak up for safety and encourages stopping any unsafe act.